Daniel Biri

Daniel Biri

Daniel Biri

Student / Programme Doctorate at D-MAVT

ETH Zürich

Inst. f. Energie-u.Verfahrenstech.

ML G 16

Sonneggstrasse 3

8092 Zürich


Additional information

Research area

Daniel focuses on crystal shape engineering for his doctoral studies. The distribution of particle sizes and shapes within powder influences both its processability and the bioavailability of the product. By accurately characterizing a crystal population during production, the effects operating conditions have on the particles can be studied. The insight can be used to improve the quality of crystallization processes. We use a combined experimental and modeling approach to improve our understanding of the mechanisms involved.

Daniel Gian-Luca Biri was born in Zürich, Switzerland, in 1997. He obtained his Bachelor’s degree in Chemical Engineering from ETH Zürich in 2019. He then worked for a semester in the group of Professor Asterios Gavriilidis at University College London (UCL) on catalytical hydrogenation using a “tube-in-tube”-reactor. Returning to ETH, Daniel continued his studies and graduated with a Master’s degree in Chemical and Bioengineering in 2020. His master’s thesis, under the supervision of Professor Marco Mazzotti, focused on the simulation of modifications to the nDISCO analytical device, which can be used to accurately measure the particle size and shape distribution (PSSD) of a crystal population. After working as a research assistant at SPL for 6 months, he started his doctoral studies in Mai 2021.

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