Enabling a Low-Carbon Economy via Hydrogen and CCS
ELEGANCY is a large-scale European research project that is funded through the ERANET-ACT scheme. The objective of the ELEGANCY project is to fast track the decarbonisation of Europe's energy system by exploiting the synergies between two key low-carbon technologies: CCS and H2. Making hydrogen from natural gas through reforming technologies allows producing low cost hydrogen as a substitute for CO2 emitting energy carriers. Capturing the CO2 at the reforming plant, gives the hydrogen a low CO2-footprint, and ensures a low climate impact.
The scientific objectives of SPL are to develop a new technology for the single step separation and purification of hydrogen and CO2; to integrate this technology into optimised hydrogen production plants; and to assess the whole value chain of natural gas supply, hydrogen production with CO2 capture and storage, to hydrogen use in transport. Finally, SPL also assesses using biomass or biogas as a feedstock for hydrogen production. In combination with CCS, this has the potential to produce hydrogen while removing already emitted CO2 from the air. That way driving your car may solve the climate problem, instead of causing it.
Find out more at external page ELEGANCY's website.