Focus projects
Solar-Based Water Purification Systems

The Problem
South Sudan is a landlocked country in Northeast Africa that has been dealing with an ongoing water crisis. According to the UN's JMP Global Data Base, only about half the population of Sudan has access to water, often in the form of wells, which isn't always safe to drink. Especially infants suffer immensely from the unsafe water intake. Particularly if parents decide to bottle feed their infants the disproportional water intake to bodyweight ratio proposes great risks. In addition, medical institutions often lack access to safe water for patient treatment.
Our Solution
Based on solar energy, we will construct Apasōn, a self-sufficient device able to purify water to infant safety standards. The impurities we'll be tackling are ones often found in wells of South Sudan. With water of this quality both safe infant formula milk and safe patient treatment can be ensured.
Find out more at SOWA's website.